Create a Conscious Policy Around Web-based File Sharing

Aug 14, 2007
1 minutes
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ALERT – Think your users don't get around email attachment restrictions? Think again. Attachment limitations, while possibly useful for managing resource utilization on an over-burdened mail server, encourage user creativity. In addition, Microsoft, Apple, and Google have jumped into the pool of web-based file-storage/sharing applications.

The success of these online applications is driven by users looking for easy ways to get files to partners, customers, vendors, etc. When pushed with a deadline, users won't bother trying to figure out the access information for the corporate FTP server, they will simply jump to, MegaUpload, DropBoks, or one of many other services, upload the file and grab a URL to send to the desired recipient. Quick, painless, and reliable – unlike trying to get a 10 MB zip file through the corporate attachment limitations or getting an FTP transfer setup – these service will continue to flourish. With App Update 24, a dozen of these services are already supported, with more on the way. Watch the file-sharing category of apps within ACC to understand how these services are being used in your network.

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