Cyber Safe Kids Workshop with GovTech-AUSBE branch

Together with Cyberlite, Palo Alto Networks Singapore recently hosted a Cyber Safe Kids Workshop at Government Technology Agency. This exclusive workshop was meticulously planned and generously funded by GovTech-AUSBE (Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees) union branch to its esteemed members and the entire GovTech team. The workshop aimed to promote good cyber hygiene practices and raise cyber security awareness among young children.

It began with a discussion on the extent to which the Internet has become an integral part of their daily lives. The children actively participated, sharing that they use the Internet for gaming, streaming, listening to music, and browsing social media. It was heartwarming to see all the students being so tech-literate, though many were unaware of the nefarious ways bad actors can leverage that same technology against them.

We emphasized the importance of staying aware and vigilant of potential dangers lurking in cyberspace. The interactive challenges and activities ensured that these young children and their parents learned to make better and more informed decisions online by following best cyber safety practices.

The workshop concluded with a quiz to test their knowledge of what they had learned. The quiz questions covered various forms of online harms, the selection of proper cyber safety practices, and the identification of actions that contribute to creating a positive digital footprint. All children went home with a goodie bag full of Cyber Safe Kids merchandise.

We are truly grateful for the collaboration opportunity with GovTech, which allowed us to educate children on the potential dangers of the Internet and the necessary actions to prevent them in a fun and interactive manner. To learn more about how Palo Alto Networks is safeguarding children’s digital lifestyles through the Cyber Safe Kids program, visit https://start.paloaltonetworks.com/cyber-safe-kids.html
Safer Internet Day
In order to promote good cyber safety habits, we partnered with Cyberlite Books, to bring Safer Internet Day 2023 to our very own Palo Alto Networks Singapore office. We were pleased to host 31 primary school students from West Grove Primary School, who brightened up the office with their enthusiasm!

The day kicked off with a “Design Your Own App” design thinking workshop by Cyberlite, which let students play-pretend as a tech entrepreneur tasked to create the next big social media app with a unique twist. Students were challenged to brainstorm ideas to build an app with security features. The interactive challenges and fun activities enabled students to learn about the design and development process of a social media app, while also gaining an understanding of how they could design a safe app to create a cyber safe world for themselves. It was heart-warming to see the students exchange best practices on cyber safety.

Afterwards, we were honored to have our guest, SHE Empowerment, to test the students’ knowledge of how to use computers, tablets or phones safely and how to protect themselves from online harms. Students were able to evaluate how well they now understood internet safety and learn where to seek assistance if someone is facing online harm. It was exciting to watch the students scramble to answer the quiz questions and hear their witty responses on how to be cyber savvy.

All work and no play definitely makes for a very dull day! We organised a mini scavenger hunt, and the students had to locate hidden goodies around our office while getting a glimpse of what a real-life cybersecurity office looks like.

To end off the action-packed day, the students were treated to an assortment of yummy refreshments!

As a token of appreciation for their active participation throughout the day, all students went home with a goodie bag full of Cyber Safe Kids merchandise.
We are grateful for the collaboration with Cyberlite Books and SHE Empowerment that allowed us to educate children on how empowering and fun technology can be. To learn more about how Palo Alto Networks is safeguarding children’s digital lifestyles through the Cyber Safe Kids programme, visit https://start.paloaltonetworks.com/cyber-safe-kids.html
IMDA Digital For Life Festival
In continuation with our commitment to support cybersecurity education in Singapore, Palo Alto Networks collaborated with the Digital for Life movement, which brings Singaporeans of all ages and spheres of life on a common platform, to build a digitally inclusive society.
At the recently concluded Digital for Life Festival organised by IMDA, Palo Alto Networks arranged a Cyber Safe Kids booth with Cyberlite, our partner, to build cyber awareness education in Singapore.
Held over two weekends, the first weekend of 21 and 22 May, saw children participate in a super fun and exciting booth activity at Suntec Convention Center. We were especially thrilled to see the Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of National Development, Mr Tan Kiat visit the booth.
The Palo Alto Networks and Cyberlite Books booth was abuzz, as children thronged to create their own Cyber Hero, who could defend cyberspace from cyberbullies and keyboard warriors! It was exciting to see these creations, as children poured over the postcards provided, designing their own cyber heros, complete with catchy names and phenomenal superpowers! The booth was lively, animated and action-packed, as these fantastic creations were posted on an online wall of fame, bringing unbridled joy on the faces of their creators. Children got to take their postcards home as souvenirs, along with gift bags.

Mr Tan Kiat How, Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of National Development, visited our cyber safe kids booth, with Claribel Chai, Country Director, Palo Alto Networks, Michelle Yao and Nina Bual, Co-Founders at Cyberlite

Kids attended fun booth activities and received goodies

Kids drew their own Cyber Hero
The second weekend of 28 and 29 May, was held at Atrium@Heartbeat at Bedok, where family friendly workshops were conducted for children aged 8 and above. The idea behind this fun and informative workshop was for parents and children to work as one unit, in order to build a safer online world. With the right tips and tools, families, we believe, can feel more empowered to create a positive cyberspace. The workshop was designed specifically to educate parents on how to navigate the digital world safely. Filled with interactive challenges and fun activities, parents also learned how to support their children to become independent online, by equipping them with strong cyber knowledge. A child cybersafety expert helped families understand the five core topics of cyber wellness: digital citizenship, passwords and privacy, cyberbullying, phishing, and fake news.

Cyber Safe Kids booth at Atrium@Heartbeat at Bedok

Cyber Safe Family Workshop

Kids created their own ‘Cyber Heroes’
Empowering the Next Generation of Cybersafe Kids in Singapore
At Palo Alto Networks, we believe protecting our digital way of life is a privilege, and with that privilege, we strive to educate the world on all aspects of cybersecurity to help keep everyone safe online. Cybersecurity education should start from a young age and extend into older adulthood, instead of being limited to industry insiders and those pursuing the field.
That’s why we’ve partnered with Cyberlite Books for this children’s book - specially designed to equip them with an understanding of how to protect their own digital futures. An initiative supported by the Media Literacy Council and in support of the Digital for Life movement, the partnership with Cyberlite Books is aimed to provide over 10,000 cybersafety workbooks and make the Palo Alto Networks Cyber A.C.E.S.. – Activities in Cybersecurity Education for Students – program available as training materials for teachers and parents.

We are partnering with Cyberlite Books to bring cyber awareness education to schools in Singapore
(Credit: Yio Chu Kang Secondary School & West Grove Primary School)
We also extended our partnership with the National Library Board in organising a virtual workshop for families across Singapore. The educational program sets the stage for building a safer online world for the whole family and help them understand the five core topics of cybersafety:
Digital wellbeing and citizenship
Password Protection
Fake news

Virtual Workshop in Collaboration with Cyberlite Books and National Library Board
We further held a similar virtual workshop for our customers and their family members ‘Protecting Your Family Online’. We aim to demystify cybersecurity through interactive learning, equipping kids ages 5 to 15 with an understanding of how to protect their digital future. Cyber A.C.E.S. provides the cybersecurity basics students need to have safer online experiences and become good digital citizens. Lessons are designed so they can be facilitated by anyone, regardless of their knowledge level, with each module tailored to a specific age group.

Cybersafe Kids workshop for customers and their family members 'Protecting Your Family Online'
In celebration of Children’s Day, we collaborated with Cyberlite Books to conduct another cybersafety sharing session with our internal employees and their kids. It was an interactive and enriching session, and the children truly enjoyed themselves throughout the session.

Children’s Day Special: Cybersafe Kids workshop for internal employees and their family members

Cybersafe Kids package for our employees and their family members
For more information on Cybersafe Kids, visit this webpage: https://start.paloaltonetworks.com/cyber-safe-kids.html